Colonel Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill Active Duty Joint Forces, Unit SGC Commanding Officer SG-1 Team (1997-2005) As the commanding officer of the SG-1 team, Colonel O'Neill's assignment is to defend Earth from possible hostile invasion, and to explore new worlds and return new technologies to Earth for study and further development.
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Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell Active Duty Joint Forces, Unit SGC Commanding Officer SG-1 Team (2005- ) Mitchell is a gifted pilot, who was offered a spot on the team after he risked his life to help them save Earth during a crucial mission. Now fully recuperated, Mitchell returns to Stargate Command to accept the offer.
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Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter Active Duty Joint Forces, Unit SGC Team Member SG-1 Carter's assignment is to ascertain possible hostile threats, to continue analysis of stargate technology, and to analyze and return materials, technologies and knowledge for further development.
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Doctor Daniel Jackson Civilian Advisor Joint Forces, Unit SGC Team Member SG-1 Dr. Jackson joined the SG-1 team on a voluntary basis to study the cultures of other planets. He holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology as well as a Ph.D. in Linguistics, and has prior experience with the culture of Abydos. He is an expert in ancient cultures and languages.
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Teal'c Civilian Member Joint Forces, Unit SGC Team Member SG-1 Teal'c had served as the First Prime of Apophis, but after aiding the SG-1 team during their first mission to Chulak, he left his family and culture behind and returned to Earth as a voluntary member of the SG-1 team.
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General George Hammond Active Duty Joint Forces, Unit SGC SGC Commanding Officer Cheyenne Mountain Facility (1997-2004) General Hammond commands the SGC and all SG units. His standing orders are to analyze the threat potential of alien races, defend Earth from possible hostile invasion, and to analyze and recover technologies for study and further development.
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General Hank Landry Active Duty Joint Forces, Unit SGC SGC Commanding Officer Cheyenne Mountain Facility (2005- ) General Landry has been brought out of retirement to replace his long time friend, General Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill as the new head of Stargate Command. When O'Neill was promoted to oversee Homeworld Security, he handpicked his mentor to be his successor.
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Doctor Janet Fraiser Active Duty Joint Forces, Unit SGC SGC Medical Officer Cheyenne Mountain Facility (1997-2004) Dr. Fraiser is a military doctor and Captain. General Hammond hand picked her to work in the SGC because of her expertise in exotic diseases. Dr. Fraiser's skill and compassion enable her to face the most peculiar cases brought to her by the SG teams.
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Jonas Quinn Civilian Member Joint Forces, Unit SGC Team Member SG-1 (Temporary) Jonas Quinn came to Earth to reveal the true story behind Dr. Daniel Jackson's exposure to radiation. He was cast out by his people, and remained at the SGC, later joining SG-1 as a full-time team member, replacing the ascended Dr. Jackson for a year.
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Character Database Stargate Information Archive Personnel Listing The SG-1 team has visited many worlds, and they have met many interesting people during their travels around the galaxy. The character database contains a list of many of their friends, enemies, and others they have met along the way.
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